Saturday, February 8, 2020

Shrieking History

I was going to start with something nostalgic about my blog's 3 year anniversary, but that's both sappy and inaccurate, so I'll say instead that a lot has changed over the last 3 years. One thing that hasn't changed is that I'm still lonely.

Oh, girl, you're going to start with that?

I'm just going to post these here and you can decide for yourself:

I don't mean that anyone should feel sorry for me. Lord knows I already feel sorry enough for myself, and that's a dumb place to sit in. I've been glancing over my history and all that nonsense and it's cuttingly obvious that I crave close friendships and have for most of my life. My therapist keeps bringing it up as if it were some sort of amazing revelation, but I know that I'm alone. And I know that it's not good for me.

Sometimes something happens, and you're like, yes, I belong here and this is right and even though I had 6 panic attacks and got into 3 car accidents before I was able to bring myself here, I'm so relieved that it was the right thing to do. And then you go home feeling happy and all that. But the next day you come back and you find the door shut. You can never get back again. It gets to the point where you don't want to go anywhere at all. You don't want to try to belong. You can't bring yourself to want to be wanted because even though you know it's what you need, you can't bear to lose and lose and lose again. Kate DiCamillo tells us that the heart lives by breaking. That's what a heart does. But the more you break, the more you wonder if anyone ever breaks for you?

Maybe it wasn't meant to be. Maybe that's not how hearts are created. Sora might be able to go around filling his heart with bits of other's, but despite all the broken pieces out there, it seems like nothing ever fits in me. We scatter and we dream and we stand waiting, but sometimes, nothing happens. We simply stay there in the cold wondering where are the pieces that are meant to fit in to make us whole.

Friends, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty convinced that people weren't meant to live alone. People weren't meant to live believing that they are worthless and unnecessary. People shouldn't have to just do things for attention or live on the edges or watch ships in the night pass them by. Movies and books and video games are filled with heart-wrenching stories of a crazy coincidence that brings together companions, lovers, and friends. But it turns out that the reason these stories are so compelling is that each of us wants that closeness with someone. Each of us wants to be loved and respected and wanted. But in the whole wide world, the chances of running into the someone whose broken pieces fit perfectly with your own are incredibly small. 

So we throw ourselves against the walls. We smash shards of hearts into our chests believing that close enough is good enough and that as long as we can ignore the bleeding, the wholeness will eventually come. 

Friends, I'm not just a bunch of letters on an internet page. I'm a person. I'm a cosmic being full of hopes, dreams, sorrows, pains and stories. I want to know and be known. This isn't a cry for help. But if you find yourself in the same sort of place, which we all do at some time or another, don't let's each be lonely separately. I'm not that hard to find. 

Much Love Always,


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